:orphan: Changelog --------- Version 1.8.0 ````````````` Released on September 23, 2020 - Make the generated routing table referencable using the 'routingtable' label. [:pull:`19` by David Douard] - Add support for parallel sphinx builds. Increases sphinx version requirement to 1.6 [:pull:`31` by Daniel Hofmann] - Remove references to the generic ``:py:obj:`` role [:pull:`54` by Stephen Finucane] - Remove imports and calls to depracated function force_decode who was removed starting with sphinx 4.0 [:pull:`49` by Florian Masy] - Be explicit about what versions of Python are supports (2.7, and 3.5+). This will be the last version to support Python 2.7 and 3.5, version 2.0 will require 3.6+. Version 1.7.0 ````````````` Released on July 1, 2018. - Implemented ``:autoquickref:`` option that use available informations to build a ``quickref``. [:pull:`9` by Alexandre Bonnetain] - Improved :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autohttp.tornado` compatibility with Tornado 4.5 and newer. `Tornado 4.5 `_ introduced the ``Rule`` class and made ``URLSpec`` a subclass of it, so certain rule attributes required updating. [:issue:`7`, :pull:`11` by Robert Zeigler] Version 1.6.1 ````````````` Released on March 3, 2018. - Remove references to the ``sphinx.util.compat`` module which was deprecated in Sphinx 1.6 and removed in 1.7. [:issue:`5`, :pull:`4` by Jeremy Cline] - Made :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autohttp.tornado` compatible with Tornado 4.5 and newer. `Tornado 4.5 `_ removed the ``handlers`` attribute from ``tornado.web.Application``. [:pull:`3` by Dave Shawley] Version 1.6.0 ````````````` Released on January 13, 2018. - Minimum compatible version of Sphinx became changed to 1.5. - Fixed a bug that prevented building :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autohttp` from building properly with Sphinx 1.6 or higher. [:oldissue:`182`, :oldpull:`152` by Dave Shawley] - Use HTTPS for ``:rfc:`` generated links. [:oldpull:`144` by Devin Sevilla] - Added ``groupby`` option to :rst:dir:`autoflask` directive. It makes paths be grouped by their view functions. [:oldpull:`147` by Jiangge Zhang] - Fixed a bug that :rst:dir:`autoflask` directive had excluded nonsignificant routes with :http:method:`HEAD`/:http:method:`OPTIONS`. [:oldissue:`165`] Version 1.5.0 ````````````` Released on May 30, 2016. - Added :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autohttp.flaskqref` for generating quick reference table. [:oldpull:`80`, :oldpull:`100` by Harry Raaymakers] - :rst:dir:`autoflask` now supports ``:modules:`` and ``:undoc-modules:`` arguments, used to filter documented flask endpoints by view module [:oldpull:`102` by Ivelin Slavov] - Added ``:order:`` option to :rst:dir:`autoflask` directive. [:oldpull:`103` by Justin Gruca] - HTTP message headers become to link the recent RFCs (:rfc:`7230`, :rfc:`7231`, :rfc:`7232`, :rfc:`7233`, :rfc:`7234`, :rfc:`7235`, :rfc:`7236`, :rfc:`7237`, that are separated to multiple RFCs from the old one) instead of :rfc:`2615` which is replaced by them in 2014. [:oldpull:`105`, :oldpull:`106` by Alex C. (iscandr)] - Support ``resolve_any_xref`` method introduced since Sphinx 1.3 [:oldpull:`108` by Takayuki Shimizukawa] - It no more warns non-standard message headers without ``X-`` prefix according as the deprecation of the practice of prefixing the names of unstandardized parameters with ``X-`` in all IETF protocols since June 2012 by :rfc:`6648`. [:oldpull:`114` by Dolan Murvihill] - Fixed performance bottleneck in doctree lookup by adding a cache for it. [:oldpull:`115` by Kai Lautaportti] - Added :http:statuscode:`451` to :rst:role:`http:statuscode`. [:oldpull:`117` by Xavier Oliver] Version 1.4.0 ````````````` Released on August 13, 2015. - Added :http:statuscode:`429 Too Many Requests` as a valid :rst:role:`http:statuscode`. [:oldpull:`81` by DDBReloaded] - Became to not resolve references if they can't be resolved. [:oldpull:`87` by Ken Robbins] - Became to preserve endpoint ordering when ``:endpoints:`` option is given. [:oldpull:`88` by Dan Callaghan] - Added status codes for WebDAV. [:oldpull:`92` by Ewen Cheslack-Postava] - Added CORS_ headers. [:oldpull:`96` by Tomi Pieviläinen] - Now :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autohttp.flask` supports multiple paths for endpoints using same HTTP method. [:oldpull:`97` by Christian Felder] .. _CORS: http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/ Version 1.3.0 ````````````` Released on July 31, 2014. - ``jsonparameter``/``jsonparam``/``json`` became deprecated and split into ``reqjsonobj``/``reqjson``/``