.. module:: sphinxcontrib.httpdomain :mod:`sphinxcontrib.httpdomain` --- Sphinx domain for documenting HTTP APIs =========================================================================== .. image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/sphinxcontrib-httpdomain.svg :target: https://pypi.org/project/sphinxcontrib-httpdomain/ :alt: Latest PyPI version .. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/sphinxcontrib-httpdomain/badge/ :target: https://sphinxcontrib-httpdomain.readthedocs.io/ :alt: Documentation Status .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/sphinx-contrib/httpdomain.svg?branch=main :alt: Build Status :target: https://travis-ci.org/sphinx-contrib/httpdomain This contrib extension, :mod:`sphinxcontrib.httpdomain`, provides a Sphinx domain for describing HTTP APIs. .. seealso:: We might support reflection for web framework your webapp depends on. See the following :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autohttp` modules: Module :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autohttp.flask` Reflection for Flask_ webapps. Module :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autohttp.flaskqref` Quick reference rendering with :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autohttp.flask` Module :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autohttp.bottle` Reflection for Bottle_ webapps. Module :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autohttp.tornado` Reflection for Tornado_ webapps. In order to use it, add :mod:`sphinxcontrib.httpdomain` into :data:`extensions` list of your Sphinx configuration file (:file:`conf.py`):: extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.httpdomain'] Additional Configuration ------------------------ ``http_headers_ignore_prefixes`` List of HTTP header prefixes which should be ignored in strict mode:: http_headers_ignore_prefixes = ['X-'] .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 .. deprecated:: 1.5.0 strict mode no longer warns on non-standard header prefixes. ``http_index_ignore_prefixes`` Strips the leading segments from the endpoint paths by given list of prefixes:: http_index_ignore_prefixes = ['/internal', '/_proxy'] .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 ``http_index_shortname`` Short name of the index which will appear on every page:: http_index_shortname = 'api' .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 ``http_index_localname`` Full index name which is used on index page:: http_index_localname = "My Project HTTP API" .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 ``http_strict_mode`` When ``True`` (default) emits build errors when status codes, methods and headers are looks non-standard:: http_strict_mode = True .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 Basic usage ----------- There are several provided :ref:`directives ` that describe HTTP resources. .. sourcecode:: rst .. http:get:: /users/(int:user_id)/posts/(tag) The posts tagged with `tag` that the user (`user_id`) wrote. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /users/123/posts/web HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com Accept: application/json, text/javascript **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: text/javascript [ { "post_id": 12345, "author_id": 123, "tags": ["server", "web"], "subject": "I tried Nginx" }, { "post_id": 12346, "author_id": 123, "tags": ["html5", "standards", "web"], "subject": "We go to HTML 5" } ] :query sort: one of ``hit``, ``created-at`` :query offset: offset number. default is 0 :query limit: limit number. default is 30 :reqheader Accept: the response content type depends on :mailheader:`Accept` header :reqheader Authorization: optional OAuth token to authenticate :resheader Content-Type: this depends on :mailheader:`Accept` header of request :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 404: there's no user will be rendered as: .. http:get:: /users/(int:user_id)/posts/(tag) The posts tagged with `tag` that the user (`user_id`) wrote. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /users/123/posts/web HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com Accept: application/json, text/javascript **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: text/javascript [ { "post_id": 12345, "author_id": 123, "tags": ["server", "web"], "subject": "I tried Nginx" }, { "post_id": 12346, "author_id": 123, "tags": ["html5", "standards", "web"], "subject": "We go to HTML 5" } ] :query sort: one of ``hit``, ``created-at`` :query offset: offset number. default is 0 :query limit: limit number. default is 30 :reqheader Accept: the response content type depends on :mailheader:`Accept` header :reqheader Authorization: optional OAuth token to authenticate :resheader Content-Type: this depends on :mailheader:`Accept` header of request :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 404: there's no user Of course, :ref:`roles ` that refer the directives as well. For example: .. sourcecode:: rst :http:get:`/users/(int:user_id)/posts/(tag)` will render like: :http:get:`/users/(int:user_id)/posts/(tag)` If you want to reference the generated routing table, you can use: .. sourcecode:: rst :ref:`routingtable` .. versionadded:: 1.8.0 .. _directives: Directives ---------- .. rst:directive:: .. http:options:: path Describes a HTTP resource's :http:method:`OPTIONS` method. It can also be referred by :rst:role:`http:options` role. .. rst:directive:: .. http:head:: path Describes a HTTP resource's :http:method:`HEAD` method. It can also be referred by :rst:role:`http:head` role. .. rst:directive:: .. http:post:: path Describes a HTTP resource's :http:method:`POST` method. It can also be referred by :rst:role:`http:post` role. .. rst:directive:: .. http:get:: path Describes a HTTP resource's :http:method:`GET` method. It can also be referred by :rst:role:`http:get` role. .. rst:directive:: .. http:put:: path Describes a HTTP resource's :http:method:`PUT` method. It can also be referred by :rst:role:`http:put` role. .. rst:directive:: .. http:patch:: path Describes a HTTP resource's :http:method:`PATCH` method. It can also be referred by :rst:role:`http:patch` role. .. rst:directive:: .. http:delete:: path Describes a HTTP resource's :http:method:`DELETE` method. It can also be referred by :rst:role:`http:delete` role. .. rst:directive:: .. http:trace:: path Describes a HTTP resource's :http:method:`TRACE` method. It can also be referred by :rst:role:`http:trace` role. .. rst:directive:: .. http:copy:: path Describes a HTTP resource's :http:method:`COPY` method. It can also be referred by :rst:role:`http:copy` role. .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 .. rst:directive:: .. http:any:: path Describes a HTTP resource's which accepts requests with :http:method:`ANY` method. Useful for cases when requested resource proxying the request to some other location keeping original request context. It can also be referred by :rst:role:`http:any` role. .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 Options ``````` .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 Additionally, you may specify custom options to the directives: ``noindex`` Excludes specific directive from HTTP routing table. .. sourcecode:: rst .. http:get:: /users/(int:user_id)/posts/(tag) :noindex: ``deprecated`` Marks the method as deprecated in HTTP routing table. .. sourcecode:: rst .. http:get:: /users/(int:user_id)/tagged_posts :deprecated: ``synopsis`` Adds short description for HTTP routing table. .. sourcecode:: rst .. http:get:: /users/(int:user_id)/posts/(tag) :synopsis: Returns posts by the specified tag for the user .. _resource-fields: Resource Fields --------------- Inside HTTP resource description directives like :rst:dir:`get`, reStructuredText field lists with these fields are recognized and formatted nicely: ``param``, ``parameter``, ``arg``, ``argument`` Description of URL parameter. ``queryparameter``, ``queryparam``, ``qparam``, ``query`` Description of parameter passed by request query string. It optionally can be typed, all the query parameters will have obviously string types though. But it's useful if there's conventions for it. .. versionchanged:: 1.1.9 It can be typed e.g.: .. sourcecode:: rst :query string title: the post title :query string body: the post body :query boolean sticky: whether it's sticky or not ``formparameter``, ``formparam``, ``fparam``, ``form`` Description of parameter passed by request content body, encoded in :mimetype:`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` or :mimetype:`multipart/form-data`. ``jsonparameter``, ``jsonparam``, ``json`` Description of a parameter passed by request content body, encoded in :mimetype:`application/json`. .. deprecated:: 1.3.0 Use ``reqjsonobj``/``reqjson``/``jsonobj``, ``>json`` Description of a single field of JSON object returned with response body, encoded in :mimetype:`application/json`. .. sourcecode:: rst :>json boolean ok: Operation status .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 ``reqjsonarr``, ``jsonarr`` Similar to ``json`` respectively, but uses for describing objects schema inside of returned array. Let's say, the response contains the following data: .. sourcecode:: javascript [{"id": "foo", "ok": true}, {"id": "bar", "error": "forbidden", "reason": "sorry"}] Then we can describe it in the following way: .. sourcecode:: rst :>jsonarr boolean ok: Operation status. Not present in case of error :>jsonarr string id: Object ID :>jsonarr string error: Error type :>jsonarr string reason: Error reason .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 .. sourcecode:: rst :>json boolean status: Operation status ``requestheader``, ``reqheader``, ``>header`` Description of request header field. .. versionadded:: 1.1.9 ``responseheader``, ``resheader``, ``;] is optional, if used a semi-colon separates it from The table is grouped and sorted by . ```` This is the resource name of the operation. The name maybe the same for a number of operations and enables grouping these together. ```` A brief description what the operation does. If you use the ``autoquickref`` option, all routes must be inside blueprints. The ```` will be set to the blueprint's name, and the ```` will be set to the first line of the docstring. For example: .. sourcecode:: python @app.route('/') def user(user): """User profile page. .. :quickref: User; Get Profile Page my docco here """ return 'hi, ' + user The quick reference table is defined as: .. sourcecode:: rst .. qrefflask:: autoflask_sampleapp:app :undoc-static: Using the autoflask_sampleapp with *.. :quickref:* annotations, this is rendered as: .. qrefflask:: autoflask_sampleapp:app :undoc-static: .. module:: sphinxcontrib.autohttp.bottle :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autohttp.bottle` --- Exporting API reference from Bottle app -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It generates RESTful HTTP API reference documentation from a Bottle_ application's routing table, similar to :mod:`sphinx.ext.autodoc`. In order to use it, add :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autohttp.bottle` into :data:`extensions` list of your Sphinx configuration (:file:`conf.py`) file:: extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.autohttp.bottle'] For example: .. sourcecode:: rst .. autobottle:: autobottle_sampleapp:app will be rendered as: .. autobottle:: autobottle_sampleapp:app .. rst:directive:: .. autobottle:: module:app Generates HTTP API references from a Bottle application. It takes an import name, like:: your.webapplication.module:app Colon character (``:``) separates module path and application variable. Latter part can be more complex:: your.webapplication.module:create_app(config='default.cfg') It's useful when a Bottle application is created from the factory function (:func:`create_app`, in the above example). It takes several flag options as well. ``endpoints`` Endpoints to generate a reference. .. sourcecode:: rst .. autobottle:: yourwebapp:app :endpoints: user, post, friends will document :func:`user`, :func:`post`, and :func:`friends` view functions, and .. sourcecode:: rst .. autobottle:: yourwebapp:app :endpoints: will document all endpoints in the bottle app. For compatibility, omitting this option will produce the same effect like above. ``undoc-endpoints`` Excludes specified endpoints from generated references. For example: .. sourcecode:: rst .. autobottle:: yourwebapp:app :undoc-endpoints: admin, admin_login will exclude :func:`admin`, :func:`admin_login` view functions. .. note:: While the `undoc-members`_ flag of :mod:`sphinx.ext.autodoc` extension includes members without docstrings, ``undoc-endpoints`` option has nothing to do with docstrings. It just excludes specified endpoints. .. _undoc-members: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/ext/autodoc.html#directive-automodule ``include-empty-docstring`` View functions that don't have docstring (:attr:`__doc__`) are excluded by default. If this flag option has given, they become included also. .. _Bottle: http://bottlepy.org/ .. module:: sphinxcontrib.autohttp.tornado :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autohttp.tornado` --- Exporting API reference from Tornado app ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It generates RESTful HTTP API reference documentation from a Tornado_ application's routing table, similar to :mod:`sphinx.ext.autodoc`. In order to use it, add :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autohttp.tornado` into :data:`extensions` list of your Sphinx configuration (:file:`conf.py`) file:: extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.autohttp.tornado'] For example: .. sourcecode:: rst .. autotornado:: autotornado_sampleapp:app will be rendered as: .. autotornado:: autotornado_sampleapp:app .. rst:directive:: .. autotornado:: module:app Generates HTTP API references from a Tornado application. It takes an import name, like:: your.webapplication.module:app Colon character (``:``) separates module path and application variable. It takes several flag options as well. ``endpoints`` Endpoints to generate a reference. .. sourcecode:: rst .. autotornado:: yourwebapp:app :endpoints: User.get, User.post, Friends.get will document the :func:`get` and :func:`post` methods of the :class:`User` :class:`RequestHandler` and the :func:`get` method of the :class:`Friend` :class:`RequestHandler`, while .. sourcecode:: rst .. autotornado:: yourwebapp:app :endpoints: will document all endpoints in the tornado app. For compatibility, omitting this option will produce the same effect like above. ``undoc-endpoints`` Excludes specified endpoints from generated references. For example: .. sourcecode:: rst .. autotornado:: yourwebapp:app :undoc-endpoints: admin, admin_login will exclude :func:`admin`, :func:`admin_login` view functions. .. note:: While the `undoc-members`_ flag of :mod:`sphinx.ext.autodoc` extension includes members without docstrings, ``undoc-endpoints`` option has nothing to do with docstrings. It just excludes specified endpoints. .. _undoc-members: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/ext/autodoc.html#directive-automodule ``include-empty-docstring`` View functions that don't have docstring (:attr:`__doc__`) are excluded by default. If this flag option has given, they become included also. .. _Tornado: http://www.tornadoweb.org/ Author and License ------------------ The :mod:`sphinxcontrib.httpdomain` and :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autohttp`, parts of :mod:`sphinxcontrib`, are written by `Hong Minhee`_ and distributed under BSD license. The source code is maintained under `the sphinx-contrib project`__ in the `httpdomain`_ repository .. sourcecode:: console $ git clone https://github.com/sphinx-contrib/httpdomain.git $ cd httpdomain .. _Hong Minhee: https://hongminhee.org/ __ https://github.com/sphinx-contrib .. _httpdomain: https://github.com/sphinx-contrib/httpdomain .. include:: changelog.rst